Welcome to the second month of your baby’s incredible journey, filled with exciting milestones and delightful discoveries. While every baby follows their unique developmental path, here’s a glimpse of what you can generally expect during this fascinating time:

Week 9: The Symphony of Sounds

Sounds become a source of fascination for your baby, particularly high-pitched tones and pitches that capture their attention. They’ve grown increasingly interested in listening to you speak and will fix their gaze intently on your mouth as you converse with them. In response, you might hear the sweet beginnings of cooing and goo-ing, as your baby attempts to join in the conversation, forging an early connection through sound.

Week 10: Recognizing Familiar Faces

Around week 10, your baby begins to demonstrate their growing social awareness. They can now pick out their parent’s face within a group, a heartwarming achievement that might be accompanied by wide-eyed wonder and gleeful wiggling when they see a familiar face approaching. This is an ideal time to involve them in family activities, whether it’s bringing them to the dinner table or carrying them in a carrier or sling while you go about your daily tasks. These experiences nurture their sense of belonging and connection.

Week 11: Extended Wakefulness

Your baby’s periods of wakefulness continue to lengthen, as their curiosity about the world deepens. However, it’s important to note that their interests may not always align with your activities. If they turn their head away or appear disinterested, it could indicate that they’re overstimulated or simply ready to explore something new. Be attuned to their cues, allowing them to guide their own learning and exploration.

Week 12: The Fascinating World of Hands

At this stage, your baby embarks on an enchanting exploration of their own hands. They’ve likely discovered that those fingers and thumbs are separate entities, which can be a source of endless fascination. You might observe them bringing their hands together, examining them with curiosity, and occasionally bringing them to their mouth to explore through taste. Encourage this discovery by providing different textures for them to feel, such as a crinkle book or a rubbery toy, as they continue to develop their sensory awareness.

As you embrace the third month of your baby’s life, relish in these milestones and the growing bond between you and your little one. Their journey of exploration and learning is just beginning, promising many more moments of wonder and discovery in the months ahead.

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