In my determination to ensure the safety of my children, I’ve adopted a vital practice that provides me with peace of mind wherever I go. LifeVac has become an indispensable companion, found not only in my diaper bag but also strategically placed in my home’s kitchen. My motivation to prioritize this safety measure stems from a personal experience as a child, when I faced a terrifying choking incident involving a jawbreaker lodged in my throat. The memory of that moment, the darkness that encroached, and my father’s urgent intervention remains etched in my mind. It’s this memory that fuels my commitment to sharing the significance of LifeVac with you today.

Statistics reveal a grim reality: every five days, a child’s life is claimed by choking. But with LifeVac, we possess a powerful tool that has already saved countless young lives. This revolutionary device serves as an unparalleled gift for parents and caregivers, as it shields our loved ones from the life-threatening consequences of choking. With a single kit, an entire family can be safeguarded against this potential hazard.

Consider the limitations that can accompany traditional life-saving methods, such as the Heimlich maneuver. Are we always physically capable of executing it effectively? LifeVac transcends these limitations. Whether someone is disabled, pregnant, or of a larger stature, LifeVac empowers us to provide swift and efficient aid in choking emergencies.

For those living alone, or with young children who may not possess the strength to render assistance, LifeVac is a beacon of reassurance. It grants the ability to self-rescue during a choking incident, assuring that timely intervention can be initiated, even when traditional support may not be readily available.

Central to the effectiveness of LifeVac is its innovative design, featuring a patented valve system. This groundbreaking valve prevents the escape of air through the mask, creating a one-way suction mechanism that ensures lodged food or objects are drawn out safely. This innovation is pivotal in facilitating the swift resolution of choking incidents.

The LifeVac Travel Kit, a portable and essential addition, includes an adult mask, a pediatric mask, and comprehensive instructions for use, all conveniently packed within a clear travel bag. Recognizing the diverse needs of those it serves, LifeVac is suitable for individuals weighing as little as 22 pounds.

In conclusion, my personal encounter with a choking incident fueled my unwavering commitment to child safety, and that’s why I advocate for the omnipresence of LifeVac. The stark reality of choking incidents need not continue claiming innocent lives when we have the means to prevent it.

LifeVac Travel Kit


  • A leading cause of death in children
  • 5,000 deaths yearly
  • One child dies every 5 days from choking
  • Choking leads to 100,000 visits to the ER yearly
  • More people die from aspirating than die in fires, drowning, or accidental shootings
  • Leading cause of accidental deaths in persons over the age of 65 


  • 0-4 minutes: Brain damage unlikely
  • 4-6 minutes: Brain damage possible
  • 6-10 minutes: Brain damage probable
  • 10 minutes +: Probably brain death
  • Average emergency response time is 7 to 12 minutes 


  • Of all choking deaths in 2000, 41% were caused by food, 59% by nonfood items (balloons, etc)
  • Candy is associated with 19% ER visits for aspiration emergencies – 65% due to hard candy and 35% gummy bears, chocolate, caramel, etc.
  • Coins were responsible for 18% of ER visits for children age 1 to 4 years

To delve deeper into LifeVac’s life-saving devices and explore additional offerings, you can visit their website through the following link.